Admit it; you’ve always wanted to know. Well, finally there’s a professional out there who’s not too embarrassed to answer – bone-fide veterinarian, critical care specialist, and dog lover Dr. Justine A. Lee. It’s a Dog’s Life…but It’s Your Carpet takes you behind the scenes to look at the training and off-the-record opinions of a certified vet, and answers all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask about your dog, including:
Is a dog’s nose a good indicator of his health?
Can a Chihuahua and a Great Dane mate?
Why do dogs eat their own poop?
What’s the smartest breed?
Can I get my dog’s ears pierced?
Why does my dog roll around in rotting feces?
If I mix food coloring with Fluffy’s kibble, will it make her poop easier to find in the yard?
Written by the only double board-certified veterinary emergency critical care specialist and toxicologist in the world, offers factual and funny answers to some of the most common, It’s a Dog’s Life…but It’s Your Carpet offbeat questions about your beloved companions. Whether you’re looking for advice on pet rearing, solutions to your dog’s most frustrating habits, explanations of his weirdest quirks, or simply a good laugh at his expense, this book is sure to inform – and entertain – dog lovers of every breed.
It’s a Dog’s Life… but It’s Your Carpet
Why does my dog lick his balls?
Admit it; you’ve always wanted to know. Well, finally there’s a professional out there who’s not too embarrassed to answer – bone-fide veterinarian, critical care specialist, and dog lover Dr. Justine A. Lee. It’s a Dog’s Life…but It’s Your Carpet
takes you behind the scenes to look at the training and off-the-record opinions of a certified vet, and answers all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask about your dog, including:
Is a dog’s nose a good indicator of his health?
Can a Chihuahua and a Great Dane mate?
Why do dogs eat their own poop?
What’s the smartest breed?
Can I get my dog’s ears pierced?
Why does my dog roll around in rotting feces?
If I mix food coloring with Fluffy’s kibble, will it make her poop easier to find in the yard?
Written by the only double board-certified veterinary emergency critical care specialist and toxicologist in the world, offers factual and funny answers to some of the most common, It’s a Dog’s Life…but It’s Your Carpet
offbeat questions about your beloved companions. Whether you’re looking for advice on pet rearing, solutions to your dog’s most frustrating habits, explanations of his weirdest quirks, or simply a good laugh at his expense, this book is sure to inform – and entertain – dog lovers of every breed.